Food at The Queen’s College

Here you can find MCR-specific information as well links to the college website. Most practical information are available in the meal guide document below. If you need a hand with anything not covered in this article, contact the victualler (Elliot Kensett).

Link to College meal times, booking (where applicable), and payments system: (booking system guide is here)

Lunches and Breakfasts are fantastic value for money at Queen’s! The food is fairly tasty, but is subsidised by college – meaning it is healthier for your pocket. No booking is required – just turn up to the servery and ask for the food of your choice. Moreover, 2 guests are allowed – so bring your friends! Out of term, however, lunches must be booked.

Standard Evening Sitting We strongly encourage you to make the most of meals in college. It’s a true part of the Oxford college experience. College meals are a great chance to connect with your friends within Queen’s, but also to make new friends with those around you. Also, loads of students love the opportunity to come see a new college – why not invite your friends and colleagues from your department to dinner at Queen’s and ‘wow them’ with our beautiful hall? On a standard evening, you are allowed to bring two guests. If you want a slightly more formal experience, we reccomend 2nd sitting – often there are candles at the table (and members must wear a gown). If you want something more relaxed, then choose to come to 1st sitting. Just remember to book ahead of time in either case, using the link above. Also do not turn up late!

MCR Guest Nights (Mondays) are the weekly pinacle of dinners available to the MCR. The dinner consists of 3 courses, and is the same food as served to the ‘High Table’. Moreover, there are aperitifs in the MCR, from 18:30. The dress code is Black Tie Optional (with gowns required for college members). For 9th week, more seats are made available meaning more of the MCR can take part in the final formal! The MCR committee and hall staff pulls out all the stops – extra drinks, tablecloth are brought out, and plenty of cheers to go around! The dress code is then Black Tie (gowns are, however, exceptionally, optional).

A Photo of committee member Seb after a Queen’s Formal

We are also looking to expand to having an Unofficial Official MCR Guest Night to complement the official ones we have planned on a Monday night. These would be a standard sitting, but MCR members sat on a seperate table. Some small additional treats would be planned to complement this informal evening. Dress code: nothing above standard sitting. Stay tuned for more updates!

JCR Guest Nights (Saturdays) are also a fun spectacle. These are also 3 courses, with more interesting offerings than on any regular evening. Though they are not quite at the same luxurious Monday standard, they are more affordable! Despite being MCR, we are fully allowed in the JCR and their guest nights. Hence, this is still a fun opportunity to bring your friends and family to college to show them what a proper Oxford formal looks like. Dress code: Formal (gowns typically optional)

MCR Exchange Dinners are potentially the highlight MCR event. These go back years in Oxford. This is the official opportunity to experience other colleges’ formals; but more importantly it is a brilliant opportunity to meet other Oxford MCR students from different walks of life. Details will be announced each term via email. It is worth noting that for any week with an exchange dinner planned, there is reduced capacity for the MCR Guest Night. For Trinity Term, we understand that you may wish to ensure you can see friends before the summer Vac, and so we limit the number of exchanges. Otherwise, expect 2-3 exchanges every term!

If you’re new to Oxford, see this page for a handy guide to dress codes.