Events Future Event Passed Event

Symposia at The Queen’s College Michaelmas 2022

Explanation of research, focusing on their use of field work. Followed by an interactive conversation with panelists – 29/11/2022

Exploration with The Queen’s College
29/11/2022 18:00-19:00

Organised by Seb Wilkes (MCR 2nd year)

Come and listen our college community, both MCR and SCR, discuss their latest work. The Queen’s College Symposium, or QCS, happens twice a term. The standard format is to have two speakers, with 30 minutes each including questions from the audience. One of my manifesto pledges was to hold more thematic evenings – do keep an eye out! QCS is held in The Shulman Auditorium. Afterwards, there is a Free dinner in the SCR! Though please make sure you book on promptly.